Effective Communication — Avoiding…“I heard it Through the Grapevine”

Can you think of a time when someone said something about you or your work that wasn't entirely accurate? Maybe you received a bunch of questions or you felt like people didn't have all the information to start assuming things?!

I feel you!

Communicating effectively in the workplace is so, so, important!

I find many people think they've conveyed all the information or the things they think people will want to know…but then the flood gates of confusion, assumptions, and mistrust start flowing in.

Great leaders are thoughtful about their communications and have a method to ensuring they get the expected results from their message.

In this week's Glow Getters Podcast episode I share my method with you!

I cover it all, from…

-How to develop your communication topic

-The goal of your communication

-Considering your audience and how to segment them

-Benefit of promise for your audience

 -Actions you expect your audience to take

-Ideas for different communication channels you can use to share this information

You don't even need to take notes, because below I have a free Communication Plan Template for you that outlines everything and walks you through what pieces to include in your communication.

Enjoy, and be sure to share the workplace communication topics you're creating with me! I would love to help you develop your message! Send me a DM on IG @KaylaFaheyAhrndt.

- Kayla

Leader Standard Work


My BIGGEST Leadership Pet Peeve! How to STOP doing THIS and THRIVE!


{Glow Getters Podcast}Episode 66. My 7 Tips to Go Beyond Your Upper Limit